Project Overview
Craigslist is an American classified Ads website where you can find jobs, housing, for sale items, items wanted, services, communities, gigs, resumes, forums, and a calendar for events.
It was founded 26 years ago and serves 570 cities in 70 countries. the site has been found helpful by many people, however, it has also received a lot of criticism because of the user interface and outdated design that has barely changed since it was launched in 1995.
Project Goals
Enhance the home page's user interface with a current and stylish layout.
Improve the user interface of the search page to an up-to-date and modern design
Update the Job Listing Page's user interface to a current and cutting-edge style.
Organize and present the categories more clearly to increase usability.
Through secondary research and carefully analyzing the website, I observed the following:
The website is using a bland and outdated design
No proper sectioning of the website making it look messy and unfriendly
Absence of navigation
Lack of visually appealing images/illustrations
New Designs
Job Listing Page
Search Page
The site has become more contemporary and user-friendly as a result of the improvements made to the main page, job listing page, and search page. Efforts to improve search capabilities, streamline navigation, and arrange material have improved user experience and made it simpler for users to find what they are looking for. Overall, the redesign is likely to boost user pleasure and engagement.